It’s been almost 8 months now since I started working with 35 South Building Co (as an employee, after working them through 2022/2023 on the build of my own home) and the learning curve has been steep! I have no design or construction qualifications and my experience is limited to my own home renovation and new build projects. But a ‘love of learning’ is one of my core strengths and values, so I’ve been soaking it up like a sponge. I’m a big believer in learning in public and passionate about helping others to build better, so this is a little experiment in sharing a handful of things that I’ve learned each week….
Ridge vent detail/product - Carland Constructions (and Davison Roofing) shared the detail of a ridge vent they’ve installed on a new high performance project. It’s the RV10 VENT Systems Ridge Vent. Always interesting to learn about how builders are executing high performance homes and products they’re using.
Clear opening requirements for doorways. A recent episode of the Build Insite podcast prompted me to take a closer look into the NCC2022 Livable Housing Design Standard. I learned about the requirements for 820mm clear opening requirement for certain entrance and internal doorways.
Sarah Lebner from Cooee Architecture has launched a YouTube channel and her first video is all about siting a new house on a rural property. I’ve never been involved in a rural project (although hope to in the future) so this was a useful overview of some of the key things to consider.
Chat GPT continues to be super useful for helping me to understand new building terms. This week I asked it to explain (using metaphor and examples) the elements of a roof structure (beams, trusses, rafters, chords, web members, joists, collar ties…), the difference between markup and margin, and what an IBC is (answer - intermediate bulk container). Often I’ll chat to the guys at work about the details of a project, pretend I understand what they’re talking about and then quietly get ChatGPT to help me make sense of it!
The Australian Passivhaus Association are doing an online Pecha Kucha night next Thursday 7 November which I’m looking forward to attending.
Jessica Allen (building.sciology) shared how some builders are attempting to comply with requirements for ‘vapour permeable’ wall wrap and I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry!